Saturday, July 4, 2009

Watched Waltz with Bashir. Right after I started watching, I tried to determine what technique was used to animate- some things were strikingly similar to Rotoscopy, but there was something weird in them. After first 5 minutes I suddenly realised- its Flash animation! With abundance of motion tweens, that are superb coordinated and adjusted, thus producing this effect. Basically each character is cut into pieces, and then these pieces are just moved, with only some of them being replaced with others. In some parts this movie was extremely moving and expressive. I just loved the blue water-woman that came out of the sea.

I noticed a lot of scientific psychology references in modern time cinema. This one was exploring the fact, that after a stressful event, in order to protect the body from the terrifying experience, our memory erases this experience. Other references like this are in Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, Paprika, Science of sleep. Weird.

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